Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Homeowners Insurance in Louisiana - How to Get the Best Rate

Like thousands of homeowners in New Orleans after Katrina hit discovered, you can lose everything that you even if you have not & 39; n d & 39; insurance. Here& 39;s how to get homeowners insurance d & 39; LA at the best rates & 39; insurance possible.
What owners Covers
A owners Police & 39; insurance covers the following topics: the house
Your - The owners d & 39 Insurance will pay to rebuild or repair your home after & 39; that it has been damaged or destroyed by fire, hail, vandalism, plumbing leaks, or & 39; acts of nature.
Your property - Homeowners d & 39; insurance pay to replace any personal property (clothing, furniture, appliances, etc.) which have been stolen or damaged by fire, hail, vandalism, plumbing leaks, or d & 39; acts of nature.
Additional living expenses - Homeowners d & 39; insurance pays for your additional living expenses - hotel and restaurant - when your house is damaged or destroyed and that you need to stay somewhere else while it is being repaired or rebuilt.
Personal responsibility - The owners of & 39; insurance and your family pay your legal fees and court costs when someone & 39; an injury or damage & 39; their owners property.
What insurance Does not Cover
Many residents of New Orleans discovered too late that standard homeowners policies d & 39; insurance does not cover damage to your home caused by floods. If you live in a flood zone, you have to buy flood insurance l & 39;. To find out where to buy flood insurance d & 39;, visit the National Flood Insurance Program Web site at: floodsmart.gov.
Some policies also place a limit on the amount of coverage they will provide for expensive items such as jewellery , Computers, antiques, etc., so check your policy d & 39; and purchase additional coverage if you need it.
Where to Get Low Cost LA Insurance
To owners get the best price & 39; insurance owners house you have to do comparison shopping. The easiest way to compare rates is to go to a & 39; insurance comparison site where you can get a rate no d & 39; insurance companies.
Visit http://www.LowerRateQuotes.com/homeowners- insurance.html or click on the link below to get LA owners d & 39; insurance quotes from top-rated companies and see how you can save. You can get more advice d & 39; insurance in their articles section, and get answers to your questions posed by a specialist in the insurance & 39; using their online chat service.
The author, Brian Stevens, is a former officer & 39; insurance and financial adviser who has written a number of & 39; articles on how to get the best rate & 39; insurance homeowners in Louisiana.

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